COVID-19 updates for the AnglicareSA community | Read more

We’ve implemented some simple measures to help keep those who access our suicide and community support services safe.

Suicide Prevention, The Way Back Support Service and StandBy Support After Suicide

As essential services, all of our Suicide Prevention Services continued during the pandemic, providing face-to-face visits when safe to do so.

COVID-safe checks are carried out the day of the appointment to ensure clients are feeling physically healthy and not experiencing any symptoms of illness. Support staff will wear PPE if required.

If a visit is not able to go ahead due to identified COVID risks, we will discuss alternatives such as delivering services via phone or online video conferencing wherever possible.


Star Bear loss and grief support, Family Connect, Settlement Engagement & Transition Support (SETS)

Our Settlement Services and Star Bear have returned to operating face-to-face.

We will continue to adjust our services and supports based on best practice and government directives. These are proactive measures designed to ultimately keep our staff, clients and their families safe.