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Our commitment to privacy

Your privacy is important to us at AnglicareSA. Under Australian laws, we must ensure that we carefully handle and manage personal information that a person provides to us. We are obliged to do this under Australia’s national privacy act (The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

The following information summarises our privacy policy and sets out the key points about how AnglicareSA handles personal information that we receive. Further detail, including personal information handling practices for prospective employees, can be found in our Privacy – External Organisational Standard.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information is any information or opinion which could identify someone or could be used to identify someone. It includes things like someone’s name, date of birth, and address.

Some types of personal information are also sensitive information. Sensitive information includes information or opinion about someone’s race, ethnicity, health, sexual orientation and/ or preferences, political opinions and associations, religion and so on.

Health information is a subtype of sensitive information and includes information or an opinion about:

  • the health or a disability (at any time) of a person; or
  • the person’s expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to him or her; or
  • a health service provided, or to be provided, to a person.

AnglicareSA has obligations under Australian privacy law about how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information and how we keep it secure. There are special additional requirements that apply when we handle or manage your sensitive and health information. This is outlined further below.

Collecting your personal information

AnglicareSA usually collects personal information (including sensitive information) from you or your authorised representative in order to provide one or more of our services. We may sometimes collect personal information in relation to a social, medical or family history from a third party in order to provide a health service where we have consent. We collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information from a person in order to provide services including:

  • Aged care
  • Child care
  • Housing
  • Disability Support and/ or
  • Social and Community services

We may also collect personal information through our website and social networking services, such as Facebook. We use this information to respond to queries, receive feedback from the community, and improve our website or Facebook pages.

You could provide personal information to us when you become a:

  • User of one of our services
  • Volunteer
  • Contractor
  • Job applicant
  • Person who provides information by answering a questionnaire

Recording your personal information

Generally, if a person is receiving a service from AnglicareSA, we keep a record of any personal information we may collect in a client file. This is usually kept by the site or specific program that is providing your service.

We also record personal information on internal databases, including for example where there is a real or potential risk of harm that may occur to a person receiving a service or to AnglicareSA. We do this in order to monitor and assess risks as part of our risk management processes. Personal information is also recorded when a person provides feedback, compliments or complaints to us about our services, sites, employees and/ or volunteers.

We also record personal information in order to send you AnglicareSA updates, news and/ or fundraising requests, if you provide us with your information for this purpose. You may opt-out of receiving marketing or fundraising information at any time by phoning us on 08 8305 9200 or emailing us on: [email protected]

Using and disclosing your personal information

AnglicareSA may use and share your personal information within the organisation. We do this for a number or reasons, including to:

  • Assess what services you require and whether we can provide those services
  • Evaluate ongoing services provided to you
  • Refer you to another internal service or program
  • Assess your application to become a volunteer or contractor or employee
  • Undertake internal reviews and analysis of how we deliver our services
  • Undertake research and analysis
  • Compile funding applications
  • Undertake statistical reporting, including that needed to comply with service agreements and/ or
  • Monitor and take action on any risks that may arise in delivering services to you
  • To respond to feedback or investigate and respond to complaints
  • To provide you with information that you may reasonably expect to receive from AnglicareSA, including information in relation to events, newsletters, and other marketing material AnglicareSA believe may be of benefit or interest to you and/or
  • To undertake any tasks necessary to perform administration, including tasks relating to audit, quality control, security and system updates.

We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information for any purpose.

AnglicareSA may use third-party providers, contractors and applications to support provision of services. Steps are always taken to ensure that those third parties comply with Australian privacy laws. An individual’s personal information is otherwise not disclosed outside AnglicareSA without written consent unless we are required or permitted to do so under Australian laws. For instance, we may disclose personal information to an individual’s representatives, our professional advisers and government or regulatory authorities (where we are required or authorised by law to do so).

There are some circumstances where AnglicareSA may lawfully disclose your personal information without your consent. This includes where:

  • We believe there is suspected child abuse or neglect
  • It is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any person (including you)
  • It is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to public health or safety
  • There are major criminal offences
  • It will assist the location of a missing person
  • A court subpoenas a client file (this means that the court requires us to provide it with a client file)
  • You are a person receiving a health service from us, but are not physically or legally able to give or communicate your consent for us to disclose health information to a person responsible for you. In this case, we may provide this information to the responsible person without your consent.

Accessing and correcting your personal information

If you ask, in most cases we must give you access to the personal information that we hold about you, and take reasonable steps to correct it if we consider it is incorrect. We will try to make this as simple as possible. You can access your personal information or correct personal information by contacting the privacy officer (see details below) who will facilitate your request.

AnglicareSA reserves the right to charge for reasonable costs in complying with a request for access, particularly for older or large amounts of information.

How to make a complaint

You can complain to us in writing about how we have handled your personal information. We will respond to the complaint within 30 days.

How to contact us

You can contact the privacy officer to access or correct your personal information or make a privacy related complaint at:

[email protected]
08 8305 9200
159 Port Road,
Hindmarsh SA 5007

Request for personal information


Requestor details