COVID-19 updates for the AnglicareSA community | Read more


Please be aware that visiting arrangements may have changed in response to Emergency Management Direction updates which can occur at minimal notice.

Please contact the Aged Care home directly for the latest information on visiting hours:

Permitted Visitors

To enter an aged care facility, you must have:

  • Received two doses of a TGA approved or recognised COVID-19 vaccination; and
  • The South Australian Government now requires all eligible visitors to have received their COVID-Booster shot to enter residential aged care facilities. If you are not yet eligible for the booster shot, evidence of a booster shot booking within four weeks of your eligibility date is needed.
  • Provide the operator of the RACF with proof of their vaccination status upon request.

Exemptions are limited to the below circumstances:

  • Provision of a medical certificate or a letter from a legally qualified medical practitioner certifying that the person:
    • has a medical exemption from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine on either a permanent or temporary basis in accordance with guidelines published by ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation),
    • has a medical exemption on either a permanent or temporary basis from receiving the preferred vaccine as recommended by ATAGI for the person’s age,
    • has an appointment to be assessed by a medical specialist or has started an assessment to determine if they have a medical exemption,
    • has a certificate or letter specifying the nature of the exemption and the basis on which it applies,
    • the Chief Public Health Officer or her delegate has endorsed the exemption, and,
    • provides our aged care site with a copy of the endorsement.
  • The person is entering for an end-of-life visit and is not able to access the COVID-19 vaccine before visiting the Residential Aged Care facility. They must also wear appropriate personal protective equipment while on the premises of the Residential Aged Care Facility.
  • The person is responding in the provision of emergency services in the event of an emergency.

Visitor Screening

AnglicareSA residential aged care homes display the State Government’s COVID Safe Check-In QR code and a paper contact tracing record at the point of entry.

All visitors to any residential aged care facility must provide proof of their vaccination status upon request.

All visitors are to undergo the AnglicareSA screening process before entry into residential aged care homes.

Each visitor must sign in and out using the AnglicareSA kiosk individually for each visit for contact tracing purposes, undergo a travel and clinical screen and provide evidence of vaccination status.

Please allow more time when visiting to undergo the screening process which a staff member will be able to undertake with you. The outcome of the screening will determine if entry to the home is permitted.

We continue to monitor the latest South Australian Government directives on visiting and activities at RAC sites. Please contact the RAC site directly or the Customer Service Centre on 1800 317 009 for the latest updates on visitation at our facilities.

Mask wearing

  • A person (other than a resident or a child under 12 years) must not enter or remain on the premises of a residential aged care home, unless the person is wearing a face mask (covering mouth and nose) at all times.
  • We will provide you with a surgical mask upon entry and ask that you wear the mask for the duration of your visit.

The requirement for a mask does not apply when:

  • A person is eating or drinking
  • The wearing of a mask will hinder the provision of the relevant care and/or impact resident safety or wellbeing
  • A person has a relevant medical condition, including problems with their breathing, a serious condition of the face, a disability or a mental health condition
  • The ability to see the mouth is essential for communication, such as to enable communication by or with any person who is deaf or hard of hearing.

Prohibited visitors

A new direction, The current  Emergency Management (Residential Aged Care Facilities No 46) Direction 2022 came into effect on 29 January 2022 and revokes the Emergency Management (Residential Aged Care Facilities No 44) Direction 2021.

You cannot enter an aged care facility if:

  • You have had contact with a positive COVID-19 person within 14 days prior to entry
  • You have a temperature higher than 38 degrees Celsius, history of fever or chills within the preceding 72hours, or have symptoms of acute respiratory infection or loss of taste or smell
  • You have not received the 2021 influenza vaccination
  • You have undertaken a COVID-19 test and are awaiting the test result, unless part of routine surveillance testing and are not displaying symptoms.

We will continue to advise residents and visitors about the latest SA government directives on visiting and activities at residential aged care sites. We continue to monitor and review arrangements as information becomes available.

Home care

Our priority is ensuring we can continue to provide the services you know and trust from us. We would like to assure you that we are taking all necessary precautions to keep you safe, through additional personal protective equipment and infection control measures used by our employees.

Should there be a spike in community transmission at any point we could see an impact to our workforce, resulting in an impact to the services we deliver.

Therefore, we may need to implement some of the following measures to accommodate employee availability:

  • We may need to change the day, time or length of service/s you currently receive. If this is the case, we will look within our existing team and partnering agencies to identify an alternative staff member to reduce the impact this has on you.
  • We may need to prioritise customers requiring essential services and schedule home care visits based on individual need. The length of time for the delivery of some services may be reduced to enable our team to meet those with urgent needs.

Just to confirm, these measures will only be taken if necessary and will be discussed with you prior to being made.

You may be eligible to receive anti-viral medication if you test positive to COVID-19. We encourage you to check with your GP to see if you are eligible. You GP can then prescribe the medication for you as soon as you test positive. You do not need to have symptoms to receive this medication. Your GP can send a prescription direct to your pharmacy, you do not need an appointment.

Home care customers can call the following numbers to discuss services:

Southern/Western suburbs: (08) 8187 6070

Northern/Eastern suburbs: (08) 8209 6652

Health and Wellness Services

As an essential service, we will continue to provide services to support your health and wellness needs.

During service delivery, our staff will be wearing personal protective equipment, such as face masks and goggles. These are in place to protect you as the customer and our staff from COVID-19 exposure.

We will continue to offer face to face services in clinics and in the home environment to address all your needs.

Where you have been identified as a COVID-19 contact or have developed symptoms, please contact us on the numbers below to discuss your services:

Customer Service Centre: 1800 317 009

Playford Clinic: 8287 8400

Westbourne Park Clinic: 8229 6723

More Information

COVID-19 vaccination information

General information

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, AnglicareSA’s priority is to maintain and protect the health and wellbeing of customers, workers, contractors and visitors. We recognise the significant challenges of recent years and want to thank you for your ongoing support and trust in AnglicareSA as we navigate this continuing time of change.

We encourage everyone to continue to be vigilant against COVID-19 for your personal health and for the health of those in our broader community. Being vaccinated remains the best way to protect yourself, your loved ones and the wider community, particularly groups that are more vulnerable to COVID-19, such as older people.

We are continuously reviewing the COVID-19 situation and acting upon the latest state and federal health advice. We provide the following information on our approach and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and what you can do to reduce the risk.

Pandemic plans

AnglicareSA has both a pandemic plan that covers our whole organisational and localised plans for Residential Aged Care (RAC), Community Aged Care (CAC) and Health and Wellness services. These plans include a comprehensive response to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases. AnglicareSA’s Safety, Quality and Risk Team reviews, audits and updates these plans on a regular basis, guided by state and federal health governments.

In response to the pandemic, a suite of COVID-19 preventative measures have been implemented across our RAC services.

Residential aged care


Please be aware that visiting arrangements may have changed in response to Emergency Management Direction updates which can occur at minimal notice.

Please contact the Aged Care home directly for the latest information on visiting hours:

Permitted Visitors

To enter an aged care facility, you must have:

  • Received two doses of a TGA approved or recognised COVID-19 vaccination; and
  • The South Australian Government now requires all eligible visitors to have received their COVID-Booster shot to enter residential aged care facilities. If you are not yet eligible for the booster shot, evidence of a booster shot booking within four weeks of your eligibility date is needed.
  • Provide the operator of the RACF with proof of their vaccination status upon request.

Exemptions are limited to the below circumstances:

  • Provision of a medical certificate or a letter from a legally qualified medical practitioner certifying that the person:
    • has a medical exemption from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine on either a permanent or temporary basis in accordance with guidelines published by ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation),
    • has a medical exemption on either a permanent or temporary basis from receiving the preferred vaccine as recommended by ATAGI for the person’s age,
    • has an appointment to be assessed by a medical specialist or has started an assessment to determine if they have a medical exemption,
    • has a certificate or letter specifying the nature of the exemption and the basis on which it applies,
    • the Chief Public Health Officer or her delegate has endorsed the exemption, and,
    • provides our aged care site with a copy of the endorsement.
  • The person is entering for an end-of-life visit and is not able to access the COVID-19 vaccine before visiting the Residential Aged Care facility. They must also wear appropriate personal protective equipment while on the premises of the Residential Aged Care Facility.
  • The person is responding in the provision of emergency services in the event of an emergency.

Visitor Screening

AnglicareSA residential aged care homes display the State Government’s COVID Safe Check-In QR code and a paper contact tracing record at the point of entry.

All visitors to any residential aged care facility must provide proof of their vaccination status upon request.

All visitors are to undergo the AnglicareSA screening process before entry into residential aged care homes.

Each visitor must sign in and out using the AnglicareSA kiosk individually for each visit for contact tracing purposes, undergo a travel and clinical screen and provide evidence of vaccination status.

Please allow more time when visiting to undergo the screening process which a staff member will be able to undertake with you. The outcome of the screening will determine if entry to the home is permitted.

We continue to monitor the latest South Australian Government directives on visiting and activities at RAC sites. Please contact the RAC site directly or the Customer Service Centre on 1800 317 009 for the latest updates on visitation at our facilities.

Mask wearing

  • A person (other than a resident or a child under 12 years) must not enter or remain on the premises of a residential aged care home, unless the person is wearing a face mask (covering mouth and nose) at all times.
  • We will provide you with a surgical mask upon entry and ask that you wear the mask for the duration of your visit.

The requirement for a mask does not apply when:

  • A person is eating or drinking
  • The wearing of a mask will hinder the provision of the relevant care and/or impact resident safety or wellbeing
  • A person has a relevant medical condition, including problems with their breathing, a serious condition of the face, a disability or a mental health condition
  • The ability to see the mouth is essential for communication, such as to enable communication by or with any person who is deaf or hard of hearing.

Prohibited visitors

A new direction, The current  Emergency Management (Residential Aged Care Facilities No 46) Direction 2022 came into effect on 29 January 2022 and revokes the Emergency Management (Residential Aged Care Facilities No 44) Direction 2021.

You cannot enter an aged care facility if:

  • You have had contact with a positive COVID-19 person within 14 days prior to entry
  • You have a temperature higher than 38 degrees Celsius, history of fever or chills within the preceding 72hours, or have symptoms of acute respiratory infection or loss of taste or smell
  • You have not received the 2021 influenza vaccination
  • You have undertaken a COVID-19 test and are awaiting the test result, unless part of routine surveillance testing and are not displaying symptoms.

We will continue to advise residents and visitors about the latest SA government directives on visiting and activities at residential aged care sites. We continue to monitor and review arrangements as information becomes available.

Home care

Our priority is ensuring we can continue to provide the services you know and trust from us. We would like to assure you that we are taking all necessary precautions to keep you safe, through additional personal protective equipment and infection control measures used by our employees.

Should there be a spike in community transmission at any point we could see an impact to our workforce, resulting in an impact to the services we deliver.

Therefore, we may need to implement some of the following measures to accommodate employee availability:

  • We may need to change the day, time or length of service/s you currently receive. If this is the case, we will look within our existing team and partnering agencies to identify an alternative staff member to reduce the impact this has on you.
  • We may need to prioritise customers requiring essential services and schedule home care visits based on individual need. The length of time for the delivery of some services may be reduced to enable our team to meet those with urgent needs.

Just to confirm, these measures will only be taken if necessary and will be discussed with you prior to being made.

You may be eligible to receive anti-viral medication if you test positive to COVID-19. We encourage you to check with your GP to see if you are eligible. You GP can then prescribe the medication for you as soon as you test positive. You do not need to have symptoms to receive this medication. Your GP can send a prescription direct to your pharmacy, you do not need an appointment.

Home care customers can call the following numbers to discuss services:

Southern/Western suburbs: (08) 8187 6070

Northern/Eastern suburbs: (08) 8209 6652

Health and Wellness Services

As an essential service, we will continue to provide services to support your health and wellness needs.

During service delivery, our staff will be wearing personal protective equipment, such as face masks and goggles. These are in place to protect you as the customer and our staff from COVID-19 exposure.

We will continue to offer face to face services in clinics and in the home environment to address all your needs.

Where you have been identified as a COVID-19 contact or have developed symptoms, please contact us on the numbers below to discuss your services:

Customer Service Centre: 1800 317 009

Playford Clinic: 8287 8400

Westbourne Park Clinic: 8229 6723

More Information

COVID-19 vaccination information