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Meet Frances. Frances is the friendly face that welcomes new residents into AnglicareSA’s Westbourne Park residential aged care site.

Given the role of Resident Companion, for the last four months Frances has been helping newcomers to the site make a smooth the transition into living at Westbourne Park.

“I like to show them where everything is,” Frances said, with a bright smile and beaming pride in her official title. “I help them settle in from a resident’s point of view and do everything from going on the bus with them, where to find things, or just talking.

“My dinner table is known as the Happy Table because everyone is included, and people know they can sit and talk and be welcomed.”

A resident at the site for just a year herself, Frances was approached by the Customer Wellness team who were looking do develop the role of Resident Companion.

Customer Wellness Coordinator Jennifer Pilling said the role was also about having someone that would be with residents who did not want to engage in activities and yet felt lonely or agitated.

“It was obvious that Frances would be ideal in this role, and she has taken to it with enthusiasm,” Jennifer said.

“Frances has been doing this role for a little more than four months now and we did an evaluation recently of the role and the other residents rated her highly.

“They said she was a wonderful friendly face that was always welcoming and gave them comfort when they needed it.”

Frances is relishing her role and describes it is as her “church work” where she also volunteers her time to helping others.

Her commitment and efforts were recently recognised as part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day activities where she was one of several residents who were acknowledged with Certificates of Merit for their volunteer roles within the site.

When a stroke on the first day of February this year threatened to rob Garry of his independence and mobility, he knew the success of his recovery was in his hands.

Garry chose to fully commit to his rehabilitation program, smashing the goals set as part of AnglicareSA’s Transition Care Program (TCP).

Now Garry is back on his feet and regaining his freedom.

“When I had the stroke, it was devastating,” Garry says of the medical emergency that landed him in the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

“When I first went to emergency I could still walk and use my arms. They admitted me to the RAH and the doctor asked me to show them how I could walk, I got up and the next moment I did a somersault into the corner of the room.

“My left leg and left arm were paralysed – the stroke was still happening.”

With the left side of his face drooping, unable to speak, and difficulty swallowing– Garry needed immediate treatment to break down the clot in his brain.

This treatment was followed the next vital stage of his recovery – rehabilitation.

He knew the harder he worked at rehabilitation, the greater the chance of regaining his independence.

“When I first got to Hampstead (Rehabilitation Centre), they said it was up to me – either I could let it beat me or I could get stuck into my physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

“So, I went ballistic with my rehab and left there in record time.”

Your body is remarkable. It finds new pathways to send those signals to get your hand and leg working again, all those functions.

Once back at home, Garry was referred by his medical team into AnglicareSA’s Transition Care Program, a 12-week in-home restorative care program delivered at a slower pace than rehabilitation in a hospital and based on goals set by the customer.

AnglicareSA staff interpret those goals into therapy with physical and other supports like physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, and care workers to help customers with exercises and recovery in the home.

“Your body is remarkable,” Garry says reflecting on the recovery he has already made and continues to make. “It finds new pathways to send those signals to get your hand and leg working again, all those functions.

“I had physiotherapy and occupational therapy with the whole program structured around balance and mobility.

“I reached all my goals, and while I don’t quite have the same strength it is improving, and I have function of my hand, arm, and leg.”

Garry is full of praise for the Transition Care Program and his therapists Alice (occupational therapy) and Kate (physiotherapy), as well as allied health assistant Chelsea, crediting TCP, and the fact it is delivered in his home, for enabling him to be in the position he is today.

“I had someone here every couple of days and it’s such a great package. They also came and did some cleaning for me and provided more intensive supports when I first came home – even shopping.

“My coordinator Hannah should get a gold star,” Garry beams. “She was fantastic, she kept in contact with me and kept me up to date on the day-to-day stuff. She made me aware of everything that was happening and checked on my progress.

“I tell you, if I had a business today, I’d employ her and make her the manager.”

After such a strong recovery, Garry, who is a plumber by trade, is now working toward his next goal – regaining his driver’s license and getting back to being fully independent.

“When you have a stroke, they suspend your license, which is fair enough,” he adds with a grin. “But my license is my independence and I want to be completely mobile again and get back to doing the small handyman jobs so I can supplement my pension.”

Robert ‘Bob’ Boagey has lived many lives in his 100 years.

From World War II machine gunner to owning a post office, migrating to Australia, and working at Holden’s Elizabeth plant.

The great-grandfather fondly looks back on his long life and has spent years typing out his life story and memories.

Bob says his career with the British Army, including service in Europe during World War II and throughout the deserts of Africa, informed much of the rest of his life including a love for Land Rovers and wine.

“My army service did me a lot of good, I wouldn’t wish a war on anybody, but I revelled in the army life,” he says.

During his 12 years of service in the army, Bob was awarded the Military Medal for courage and devotion to duty serving in Italy in 1944.

In 1952, Bob and his family bought a post office and general store in North Yorkshire where they lived and worked for 15 years. Bob, his wife Grace, and their sons Lance and Neil later migrated to South Australia where Bob began a long career at Holden’s Elizabeth plant.

 “I’d never been in a factory in my life and had to walk in and start working there,” he says.

“Part of my job was to turn out the biggest panels of the car, I really enjoyed a lot of it.”

In his spare time, Bob went off on four-wheel drive holidays throughout Australia and helped to run community clubs including the Society of Yorkshiremen Elizabeth and Land Rover Owners Club of Australia, South Australia Branch.

“At one point, I was secretary to five different clubs in Elizabeth,” he says.

Bob recently celebrated his 100th birthday with not one, but two birthday parties at AnglicareSA’s Elizabeth Dutton Court residential aged care site.

“Some people I’d not seen for years, and years and it was an absolutely fabulous night,” he says.

And the secret to living to 100?

“I wouldn’t be where I am if I wasn’t stubborn. You’ve got to be your own master,” Bob says with a smile.

Volunteering at AnglicareSA’s Elizabeth East Residential Aged Care site for two days a week is about more than just supporting the residents for Mollie – it’s also developing her self-confidence.

Each week, Mollie, 19, joins other volunteers at Elizabeth East to support the residents with activities and social interaction all with a friendly smile and good conversation.

“When I finished high school and I was looking into joining the workforce, I felt like I wasn’t quite ready for it,” Mollie says.

“So, I looked into volunteering, and someone suggested I come here to Elizabeth East, and it has been the best thing as it has really improved my social skills.”

Mollie and her fellow volunteers support the team at the busy aged care site helping residents with regular activities and checking in on them to see how they are and if they want to get involved.

“I also like to ask about what they’ve been up to, anything they want to talk about really and once they’re out amongst the activities of the day I like to encourage them to join in and get involved.”

I just love how confident volunteering has made me just by talking to people and doing things by myself because they’ll say ‘OK, this is your job today, can you please go and do this’ and I’m like ‘OK’.

It’s that social interaction that inspires Mollie to continue volunteering, mixing it in with her part-time employment where she works on her own.

“It really helps me get up in the morning and get out and about talking to people because I do notice that when I’m not spending time interacting with others it can affect my social skills.

“I just love how confident volunteering has made me just by talking to people and doing things by myself because they’ll say ‘OK, this is your job today, can you please go and do this’ and I’m like ‘OK’.

“Plus, as a young person I have an opportunity here to gather so much free life advice,” she adds with a smile.

Volunteers play a vital role in the day-to-day running of a residential aged care site, and Customer Wellness Coordinator for AnglicareSA’s Elizabeth East and Dutton Court sites, Tracey Wyatt, says Mollie is no exception.

“Mollie is such a great volunteer with a gorgeous personality,” Tracey says. “Mollie will happily do any task that is assigned to her and especially enjoys doing hand pampers and painting the ladies’ nails.

“She is so valued at Elizabeth East and even though she has a part-time job out of the kindness of her heart, she continues to volunteer when she can.

“Residents have a great rapport with Mollie, and nothing is too much trouble for her.”

At AnglicareSA, we’re proud to have around 300 volunteers who give their time to support people in need. Volunteers are an integral part of our support services — their generosity and commitment enable us to deliver a broad range of services to the South Australian community.

You can Register Your Interest online by clicking here, or alternatively view our current volunteer opportunities here.

When a Halloween nightmare left Jackie, 85, with a broken hip, she turned to AnglicareSA’s allied health team at Westbourne Park to help her get back on her feet – and now she’s ready to dance.

A former long-time volunteer at the Westbourne Park Residential Aged Care site, Jackie spent almost a decade interacting with the residents and supporting the efforts of staff.

But a fall last year that resulted in an initial rehabilitation period at Flinders Medical Centre saw Jackie accessing services with our Health and Wellbeing program.

“When I had my fall it was Halloween night,” Jackie recalls. “I had been in the shower, and I had big dish of lollies for children who were trick or treating.”

“I heard the doorbell ring and I said ‘I’m coming, I’m coming’ – and down I went.

“That was about five o’clock in the afternoon and then I wasn’t found until about seven next morning.”

Her nightmare behind her, Jackie says her recovery and rehabilitation with the support of AnglicareSA at her side has been nothing short of brilliant, particularly physiotherapy.

“It’s the way they treat you, the way they greet you, and the way they monitor you,” Jackie says.

“It’s also the way they encourage you to reach your goals and tell you just to keep aiming for your goal – they don’t set the goal, you’re the one who sets the goal.

“We have wonderful gym equipment, and everything is for a reason you know, for instance I wouldn’t do exercises that someone with a knee replacement does – they’re just a great team.”

I’ve got to work on my balance, it’s not very good, but you have to move your hips with the Jerusalema and I can’t whip my hips and my feet together, but it’s a crazy, lovely, wonderful, and colourful dance.

With the help of AnglicareSA Jackie is regaining and maintaining her mobility, freedom, and independence.

These are all things that mean the world to her.

“Everything, everything. If they took my feet away, or if I couldn’t walk anymore it would be terrible.

“Not as bad as taking my mouth away,” Jackie adds with a grin, “but not my legs or my feet, I’ve got so much to do that I just can’t not do these things.”

Now back on her feet and ready to take on the world, Jackie has a particular dance in mind that she’d like to perfect – an online YouTube sensation being filmed around the world by young and old call the Jerusalema.

“It’s alive, it’s music, it’s colour and you just feel good. I’m just hoping I can do it – no, I will do it!

“I’ve got to work on my balance, it’s not very good, but you have to move your hips with the Jerusalema and I can’t whip my hips and my feet together, but it’s a crazy, lovely, wonderful, and colourful dance.”

Colourful is just one way to describe Jackie, a mother of four, grandmother to four and great-grandmother to three, who marks every decade milestone birthday with something a little out of the ordinary.

“I think that if I make the zero birthdays, I’m so lucky and I’ve had birthday parties all the way through,” Jackie says with her trademark spark in her eye.

“I’ve been in the divorce courts for my fortieth, but I’ve also jumped out of a plane (tandem sky dive), I’ve been up in a hot air balloon, and I’ve been to Kangaroo Island for dinner.

“For my 90th I plan to party, I’m going to have a drag queen party and dance to ABBA.”

Learn more about AnglicareSA’s Health and Wellness Services.