You may meet the disability requirements if:
• you have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent and
• your impairment substantially reduces your ability to participate effectively in activities, or perform tasks or actions unless you have:
*assistance from other people or
*you have assistive technology or equipment (other than common items such as glasses) or
*you can’t participate effectively even with assistance or aides and equipment and
• your impairment affects your capacity for social and economic participation and
• You are likely to require support under the NDIS for your lifetime.
An impairment that varies in intensity e.g. because the impairment is of a chronic episodic nature may still be permanent, and you may require support under the NDIS for your lifetime, despite the variation.
Meet the citizenship criteria
• You are an Australian citizen OR
• You hold a Permanent Visa OR
• You hold a Protected Special Category Visa
Location requirements
Your eligibility to access NDIS supports will be dependent on your location from 1 July 2017.
Find out more
AnglicareSA can assist you to understand your potential eligibility through a free pre-planning session where we’ll talk with you about your life, goals, what you want to do, and how you would like to receive support.
If you would like to access this free service please contact our NDIS Customer Service team or fill in the form below.