Thursday’s State Budget was a missed opportunity for the State Government to increase investment in supporting early intervention for at-risk children and families.
AnglicareSA CEO Peter Sandeman said more money should have been invested in early intervention strategies to bring South Australia’s spending in line with other states.
“Early intervention makes social and economic sense and is the foundation of a sustainable service system,” Peter said.
“This was reinforced by the recent Royal Commission into South Australia’s Child Protection system which identified a severe shortfall of early intervention services, and the need to develop a range of early intervention/prevention strategies and approaches to better support families and stop children coming into care.”
AnglicareSA has welcomed the State Government’s commitment to continue its partnership and funding with the Commonwealth and support agencies to address homelessness.
“Doubt had been cast over this funding, which is essential to ensure that current homelessness services continue.” Peter said.
“However, we would have liked to have seen an increase to help meet the growing demand we’re experiencing in our homelessness support services.”
AnglicareSA supports the government’s focus on funding and initiatives aimed at reducing re-offending and better supporting people exiting prison.
“It is important that we have initiatives in place that help get prisoners ready to re-enter society and contribute to their community through supporting them to enter the workforce,” Peter said.
“This ultimately leads to a better future for the individual and also helps to create a safer community.”
With the state’s high unemployment rate of 7.3% and the pending closure of Holden, AnglicareSA is pleased to see investment in local jobs through the $200 million Future Jobs Fund.
“It’s going to be a very tough road ahead for workers leaving the manufacturing industry and the unemployed, so any investment in jobs creation is a positive step.
“Let’s get behind this initiative because our state’s future and our children’s future are relying on its success.”