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The Studio Purpose project aims to reduce youth homelessness in the Murray Bridge region.

This is made possible by creating positive partnerships with key stakeholders to provide holistic support to youth who may be homeless or at risk of potential homelessness.

This can be achieved by prioritising: 

  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Education, Training & Development
  • Early identification and vulnerability
  • Fostering an improved connection to the local community
  • Engagement & participation

In the 2016/17 Financial Year, 205 youths accessed services while homeless or at risk of Homelessness in the Murraylands region.

In the 2018/19 Financial Year, 193 youths accessed Studio Purpose services.

This vision was a result of discussions by the Homelessness team and the Rural City of Murray Bridge in 2018, to provide homes for vulnerable young people. As a response, the stakeholders came together and formed a partnership to address this problem. The partnership includes AnglicareSA (Registered Community Housing Provider), (Homelessness service provider), Rural City of Murray Bridge (rates & taxes) Headspace (Mental Health support provider) South Australian Housing Authority (land & property owner) and Habitat for Humanity (developer/volunteer coordinator). 

The Studio Purpose Project offers accommodation to eligible clients between the ages of 15 – 21 years receiving an independent income, who are not under the guardianship of the minister.

The Project aimed at addressing a shortage of safe accommodation for young people in the Rural City of Murray Bridge. From this, a development site was identified by refurbishing an existing vacant SAHA duplex property constructed in the 1960s into 4 self-contained units with private courtyards.

As the developer in the project, Habitat for Humanity raised $145,000 to fund the construction of what was to become known as the ‘Studio Purpose’ project. This included contributions from local service clubs, community members and the South Australian Housing Authority, along with grant funding from the Rural City of Murray Bridge.

The project received support from local suppliers, local trades, contractors and long-term Habitat for Humanity construction partners, who gave their time generously to contribute to the Project. Studio Purpose was built with labour from 78 volunteers – who contributed to more than 2000 hours, with further off-site support from the broader Habitat team.

Prior to occupancy, the Community Businesses of Murray Bridge generously donated furnishings to the property – the likes of which included air conditioners, fridges and microwaves.

The property is suited for short term tenancy, with exit strategies included in the case management provided by the homelessness support team. Exit strategies may include the reunification with family, private rental, Community Housing or housing authority.

This project is a wonderful initiative of the community, non-for-profits and services working together to improve the outcomes of the youth in Murray Bridge and its surroundings. The project has allowed the opportunity for AnglicareSA to work with young people and assist them to develop the necessary skills and capabilities in seeking longer-term housing options with further education, training and employment.

AnglicareSA is pleased to advise that since the project, we have allocated four young people to occupy the units since August 2021. We encourage them to make the units their home, so that they may start building a future, benefited from a safe place to live.  All initial tenants continue to occupy the units, although one is set to move to Adelaide, to undertake Cert III in Hospitality.