It’s important to think about ways you can look after yourself during this challenging time.
Here are some things to consider.
Do you have a history of depression, anxiety or other mental health struggles?
Some of the usual signs of depression and anxiety may be difficult to spot when going through big shifts in day-to-day life.
Make a point to maintain good sleep, eating and exercise habits.
Find positive ways to relax your mind and reduce your stress such as practicing relaxation and mindfulness exercises, connecting with people virtually and accessing apps such as Smiling Mind.
Do you live alone?
When you’re living, working and schooling from home, it can be hard to achieve a work-life balance. This is especially true if you live alone.
Consider setting clear boundaries and structuring your day. You can set achievable goals such as cooking a nice meal for yourself or doing something creative. Make the most of connecting with others virtually by, for example, watching a movie together online or playing a virtual game.
The South Australian Government has announced that single people over the age of 16, who do not live with a spouse or other partner, can visit another person (including a partner, friend or relative). Click here for more details.
Are you at increased risk of domestic and family violence?
For many people, increased isolation and financial stress can increase the risk of domestic and family violence. Increased alcohol consumption during COVID lockdowns can also escalate aggressive behaviour.
Please remember that even in lockdown you CAN leave home if it’s not a safe place.
If you need support, contact the Domestic Violence Crisis Line on 1800 800 098 or the 24-hour RESPECT helpline on 1800 737 732. If you are in imminent danger, call 000.
Get help now
If you need help right now, it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere in Australia.
Beyond Blue
Kids Helpline
MensLine Australia
Suicide Call Back Service