Meet Grace.
As a high school student, Grace Frost spent time volunteering with vulnerable teenagers. It would set her on a life-time career path of helping others.
Today, Grace is the manager of AnglicareSA’s Early Learning Programs, incorporating the Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre (ASELCC) and Daphne Street Child Care Centre, based in Prospect. The ASELCC is a unique program which provides high-quality early intervention, specialist education and care for children with autism.
Grace’s passion to help others was ignited at a young age. “I was really fortunate to volunteer with children with disabilities when I was a teenager,” she said.
“We worked with a group of teenage boys with multiple disabilities, kids that really struggled to be included in typical holiday activities. It was an amazing experience to help them enjoy life and I left really inspired to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable people.”
When she finished secondary school, Grace opted to study occupational therapy. “I knew I wanted to help others,” she said.
“The more I looked into OT, the more I realised it was a profession where I could make a difference to people that needed it most.”
Grace joined AnglicareSA over six years ago, starting at the ASELCC as an occupational therapist before moving into more senior roles. Today, her favourite parts of the job are collaborating with families and seeing children thrive in the education setting.
“When we see how happy and calm children are in the classroom, and how much they have that sense of belonging, it’s really exciting, for us and their families.”
You can learn more about our Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre (ASELCC).