Understanding how your child sees food is the first step towards having successful meal times. While most of us think of eating as a two-step process of ‘see food, eat food’, it can involve more than 32 steps and is the most complex thing we do as humans. It is the only thing that involves all of our sensory systems, organs, muscles and learning history.
AnglicareSA’s Food School works with children with feeding difficulties and fussy eaters to make mealtime a fun and safe experience.
The program is based on the SOS* (Sequential Oral Sensory) approach to eating, developed in the US by a team of psychologists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists and nutritionists.
What you’ll learn
At Food School, AnglicareSA’s specially-trained occupational therapists and speech pathologists present the children with foods (and drinks), transitioning them through various aspects of play.
Children start by tolerating various foods in their space and slowly build to interacting with, touching it and eventually tasting it. This involves activities from balancing fruit on their nose and tongue, to playing tug-of-war with lolly snakes between their own hand and mouth. While the unique methods of SOS can go against conventional wisdom, it is the only results-driven feeding program with 30 years of proven clinical experience.
What’s included?
Food School consists of six group therapy sessions which run for one hour each and six parent education sessions. Through the parent education sessions, you will learn about how and why feeding difficulties develop, what they look like and strategies to support your child to interact with new foods.
Want to know more?
Contact us on 1800 953 001 to discuss upcoming course dates, locations and fees (fee for service or NDIS payment available) or fill out the form below.
*Food School (SOS Approach to Feeding) was developed by Dr Kay Toomey.