The Annual Report provides a snapshot of our achievements and challenges across the year, highlighting just some of the many and varied services and programs we offer and the impact they have in the community.
Read the 2018 Annual Report here or in the window below.
Annual Report 2017-2018Highlights from 2017-18 include:
- the appointment of advocates in both our NDIS and aged care services who help people navigate the complex and changing systems;
- the expansion of the Star Bear program to offer family camps to support those struggling with the loss of a loved one;
- leading the Don Dunstan Foundation’s Adelaide Zero Project;
- our partnership with Thread Together, which has seen two purpose-fitted vans hit the road to deliver brand new clothes to those in need;
- our partnership with the Northern Eastern Development Association to develop a program for Syrian refugees to gain Australian building and construction qualifications
- the launch of our Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP);
- being accredited as a White Ribbon Workplace.