Following the State Government’s Renewing our Streets and Suburbs (ROSAS) and Better Places, Stronger Communities (BPSC) housing transfers to AnglicareSA, these two programs will see the replacement of 55 existing homes, along with the addition of 97 social or affordable houses.
This will ultimately generate 152 new homes for South Australians.
AnglicareSA CEO Peter Sandeman, said it is a crucial investment in Adelaide’s Woodville and Elizabeth Grove communities.
“In partnership with the State Government, we will invest $43.7 million in Adelaide’s west and $10.3 million in the north, over ten years, to develop more affordable and social housing,” he said.
“Once these properties are developed, AnglicareSA will work with individuals and families to enjoy positive, constructive tenancies and, in turn, create strong, safe and sustainable communities.
Initial construction will commence on four sites, delivering nine new homes for South Australians doing it tough by 30 June 2020.